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 "An EC like Cervia is not an EC for me"
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Sara Rizzetto

401 Posts

Posted - 08 May 2013 :  18:23:58  Show Profile  Visit Sara Rizzetto's Homepage  Reply with Quote
ciao ragazzi...scusate questo post, ma da qualche giorno su facebook si sta discutendo in modo agguerrito della (contro) la nostra CERVIACUP-EUROCUP. siccome ritengo che alla fin fine si stanno toccando discorsi di cui si è parlato sia in riunione STACK ITALIA sia al breafing eccovi qui quanto.
leggere certe cose è TRISTE...molto TRISTE

è iniziato tutto con:

Wake-up call for international competition flying?
Start of the end of international competition flying?
We are at the cross-road point here!

Stephen Versteegh
National Director STACK BeNeLux

Troy Gunn
Unfortunately, STACK & the AKA are at a severe decline in the amount of sport kite flyers that want to compete anymore. The hot bed for flyers wanting to compete, is Asia, especially, Japan, China, Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore.

Europe Sport Kite Championships Troy, can you please provide some dates of Asia competitions or better video? Stephen, if we will be more active and open then we will get bright future. It's all depend on us

Stephen Versteegh Sounds like a politic correct answer

Shi Di Fu The World Sport Kite Cup has a very good likelihood of being staged in China in the near future. Also involving, not only team dual line ballet and CF's, but also team quad line Ballet and CF's, quad line pairs and dual line pairs as well. It already has the right people conducting such events already, and also the full financial backing of a government... Stay tuned...

Stephen Versteegh yes good memories, here a nice report, in English...enjoy.

Mike Loskov Stephen Versteegh, because you sign your opinion with your official name "national director STACK" that means it's official opinion of STACK BeNiLux. Are people who elected you happy with this opinion and fact that his national director in big doubt about future? good question. Are STACK BeNiLux taked part in EuroCup'13? No. Are there people who want to compete? yes they are. They found time and money to come and prove it. Are you looking good in this situation with this type of questions and pictures "how good things was 5 years ago in The Netherlands" as official person? Are you do something now as official person to make thing better?

Mike Loskov, National Director STACK Russia


Stephen Versteegh STACK is already dead. Will our competition sport follow very soon? It will be very hard not to be doubtfull of STACK future...There is no SIEC anymore, how many active ND's are there in Europe, maybe three. I'm still waiting for the content for the STACK website. And NO we didn't take part at the EC 2013, why, because it wasn't an Eurocup...there is no SIEC to sanctioned it and an EC with 70% Italians kitefliers is not an EC for me....sorry.

Mike Loskov Stephen, STACK dead only for you. There still people who want to do competition. If you think that STACK is dead then you can't be National director. SIEC are exist - there was no motion of no confidence for any SIEC member. And there was SIEC sanction for Eurocup (by majority of SIEC). And (and not alone) spended more to come and compete. For me STACK not dead. And that is the difference. As for site - nobody seen how it's looks like before put content. I heard about it only now from you.

Stephen Versteegh There was no SIEC elections, so there is no SIEC anymore. I share your competition enthousiasm, but also see the decline everywhere in competition kite flying.
BUBUT BUT...if there will be an EC/ or other competition with 80 plus kitefliers and more than 6 countries competing let me know, I will be there!

Mike Loskov There was meeting of National Directors last year in Berck (where you also was). And decision was that current SIEC are still in charge. so "no SIEC" is just you personal opinion and not the real fact. In Russia there is no "decline". "Decline" depends only from National Directors and how they to his job.

Stephen Versteegh no decline in the BeNeLux ; ) But is there an other European country with 3 or more competition every year with about 10 competitors?

alchè mi sono permessa di chiedere, dato che italia, francia, inghilterra e russia erano a Cervia, perchè lui non c'era.

Mike Loskov Great! I really would like to compet with BeNiLux flyers and learn how to make competitions more attractive. About your question - Italy and France a in good condition too. Great pilots and nice competitions. We just don't know how thigs are. And what about regular flyers? They just don't know that it's possible to do competition. It's real problem.

Stephen Versteegh great see you sunday 9 June in Bakel : ), that is our second competition. Here is the calender for this year;
and doing this weekend some promotions in oostend in Belgium.

Mike Loskov That i like more Challenge. We will do our best to come and it will be good to have one place to see all competitions

Stephen Versteegh please notice that our Revolution competition is at a very high level with Marc van der Graaf as competition coach.

Mike Loskov Because we didn't have a chance to test BeNiLux level at EuroCup in Cervia - there is only one way to know the true

Stephen Versteegh Guido was very lucky this year : )

Mike Loskov Unfortunately we will never know - looks like other pilots are afraid to fly against Guido

Stephen Versteegh Looking forwards to compete agains Guido, that is a nice challenge.

Keith Griffiths STACK UK has at least 3 competitions EVERY year, this year we are to our lowest level of competitors ever, 1 team, 2 pair, 3 indi, all dual line. I think STACK is dead but doesnt know it; we seem to have forgotten what the words mean, Sport, Team AND Competitive Kiting. If we only talk about competition all the time as the only reason for STACK to exist we are ignoring 95% of kite fliers. STACK needs to build the coaching side to enthuse new fliers, I tried as UK ND but couldn't do it all on my own (or me and Vee anyway). The local club scene in the UK is either focussed on power kites or single line kites, either way sportkites are squeezed out.


Mike Loskov For three years we had school for dual-line during summer every second saturday. But i don't agree with Keith. Competitions are main attraction to the kites. Ballet is the best presentation of kiteflying (and not the tricks). First people should see kites and want to try. then they start looking for information and friends. and then they want to fly better cause they see it possible. Now kite world are very closed. it's impossible to enter (only if you are really crazy person as we are). We must make it open and easy. Just one note: I'm the only person who put information about international competitions for at least last 4 years. Why on UK and France forums and sites ND's doesn't do it? How you want people to get involved? I'm sure a lot of UK flyers still know nothing about Euro And World cups. May be it will be better to show real world?

Timour Bourbaev Dear Keith and Stephen, let me speak from the group of young pilots. I'm only on my 3d year of flying sport kites, so I think I could be a good representative of newbies in this fantastic sport and beautiful activity. Let me share my point of view. From my perspective the situation is quite controversial. On one side I'm very impressed with all activity, information and materials what Stephen Versteegh shares on I hope we finally came up with something similar in Russia one day. From another hand all this comments that recent Cervia CUP wasn't a EUROCUP 2013 and wasn't a real competition at all make me very upset and puzzled. It's all remind me a case of Summer Olympic in Moscow 1980 than USA and other 64 countries banned this event and didn't come because of the tension between USA and USSR. It was pure political gesture! But what about sport and athletes? They were furious! They spent 4 years of intensive trainings. 4 years of sweat and blood were thrown away because of some jerks in government. Was it good for the sport? Definitely not.
I think we need ECUP in any condition and any place and it was great that this time Italy offered the place. Yes the competition might be better with stronger pilots like Steff Fermé and Richard Debray. I don't think that Guido was really happy about competition without those pilots but i really pleased that he was there and took part. Because that is important for young pilots like me and Sara Rizzetto. So this is the big help for sport, this is the inspiration for beginners. I've heard a lot in recent years that sport and competitive flying is dying, but it's dying because of lack of information and lack of support from great pilots. That's great that you can support domestic kite activity but it's so sad that you hasn't came to Cervia Cup this year and again from the perspective of young pilots I can not understand why? I think for the international kite sport your participation in every event outside of your home country is a great contribution.

Stephen Versteegh The problem with the EC was; The announcement was to late and normally we like to have the EC in the end of the season. We had already promised to come to Berck and 3 weeks away from home was not possible. Let me be clear, my annoucement WAKE-UP call is a shout to all kiteflying collegues to get awake and be active otherwise I will be affraid, no I'm sure that this sport ends within 5 years. It has nothing to do about negatism, but trying to rescue the sport. An EC like Cervia is not an EC for me, I like to compete agains the best kitefliers from Europe and most of them were not in Cervia. I already saw the same trend at the worldcup in Berck were more than 50% of the teams were coming from France. At a proper Worldcup we need at least 10 countries.

Mike Loskov Stephen, in this thread i read about 5 different versions why you didn't came to Cervia. And 2 versions why this EC is not EC for you. IMHO phrase "An EC like Cervia is not an EC for me, I like to compete agains the best kitefliers from Europe and most of them were not in Cervia" is very close to unsporting behavior. There is only one way to measure who is the best - to come and take part. Standing on a side and talking like this don't make you best pilot.

ora aggiungo quello che ho detto anche a loro su FB..
triste...triste...VERAMENTE TRISTE!!!!
vero che sarebbe stato bello con più nazioni, ma noi eravamo tutti la...e loro dove erano?
competere con i più forti ok...bene
ma credo che per far restare VIVA stack e l'aquilonismo "sportivo-competitivo" ci sia bisogno anche di volti nuovi...e non "voglio solo i migliori"

con tutta questa tristezza
vi saluto


Advanced Member

1864 Posts

Posted - 08 May 2013 :  21:18:57  Show Profile  Visit CapitanInfrena's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Mike è un mito !!!

My Kites: .NSE (STD-AS-18g,LW-12g,WW-0g) by R-SKY
.Sixth Sense STD by Kite D.E.sign
.Invictus STD by Kite D.E.sign
.Revolution Maiocchi STUL Deep Sea Colors
.iTrix custom .93 (InD)
.Galaxy D Team by Lumokites
.Over by Eolo
.Zeruko W144CT by Tribord
CapitanInfrena <<<) KSgtM ........The boldest tricks are the safest

.Iridium (STD,UL,SUL) by S.K.D.
.Howitzer (.N,.U,.S) S.K.D.
.Howitzer .88 (.88,.88S) S.K.D.
.Lilith (.N,.L) S.K.D.
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728 Posts

Posted - 29 May 2013 :  20:08:45  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Chi non è venuto non può parlare, però effettivamente quando ci si doveva qualificare nelle nazionali per l`EC, il livello era ben altro. Dei due cavi almeno, dove sono in grado di giudicare. quest`anno 2/3 piloti di livello ec. Non ci sono giudici, non ci sono piloti,le gare nazionali non si fanno .... da spettatore oramai non più stack,mi sembra utile mettere in discussione alcune cose come fa stephen...per triste che sia
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1383 Posts

Posted - 29 May 2013 :  21:36:45  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
é innegabile che ci sono cose che vanno cambiate, Non ci si può arrabbiare se le cose fatte non sono quelle che si vogliono, cioè, L'EC è stata fatta contro la volontà di una sola persona, mentre trequarti di Europa era lì a farla, per cui, il rimanente ( e maggioranza) del SIEC ha avallato l'EC. GARA VALIDA!!!!!

nirvana ul,2 std, 1 vtd,opera std, vtd, transfer xtr, phoenix,venice, 3D,ticket,mai ben sul, ul,std, 2 x mas 3ul,2 x mas zero vtd, 2 rialto, rev mod.Mio indoor,sul,ul,std,2vtd,4v,td,5+vtd,shortwave 175 ,rev cadet, galaxy team, ,papillon, malard,urban ninja,mandala,2 miei mono indoor,1 futui mono indoor, 2 rokkaku,sverker,altri monofilo. alcuni di questi sono con *
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Advanced Member

2086 Posts

Posted - 29 May 2013 :  22:11:41  Show Profile  Visit Daves1980's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Ti prego Werther, ok che è stata validata, rispetto a chi c'era, ai vincitori e tutto, ma almeno smettete di dire che 3/4 d'europa era lì...


StuntKite Palermo

I miei aquiloni:
-Invictus by Kite D.E.sign
-Sixth Sense by Kite D.E.sign

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1383 Posts

Posted - 30 May 2013 :  07:17:56  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Russia Francia Italia Inghilterra, giudici tedeschi, praticamente non c'era nessuno, contano solo olandesi, francesi si ma solo quelli bravi, il resto possiamo cestinarlo!!!!!

nirvana ul,2 std, 1 vtd,opera std, vtd, transfer xtr, phoenix,venice, 3D,ticket,mai ben sul, ul,std, 2 x mas 3ul,2 x mas zero vtd, 2 rialto, rev mod.Mio indoor,sul,ul,std,2vtd,4v,td,5+vtd,shortwave 175 ,rev cadet, galaxy team, ,papillon, malard,urban ninja,mandala,2 miei mono indoor,1 futui mono indoor, 2 rokkaku,sverker,altri monofilo. alcuni di questi sono con *
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2250 Posts

Posted - 30 May 2013 :  08:44:17  Show Profile  Send Gadiel an ICQ Message  Reply with Quote
non conoscendo l'inglese non riesco a capire la problematica comunque se la gara è stata indetta sono stati invitat non hanno partecipato di cosa ci si lamenta adesso.

Edited by - Gadiel on 30 May 2013 09:02:12
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