T O P I C R E V I E W |
NationalDirector |
Posted - 25 Jun 2009 : 15:21:47
Sempre più probabile che la Eurocup 2009 si svolga in Gran Bretagna e più precisamente a Weston-Super-Mare (North Somerset) dal 18 al 20 settembre.
A breve dovrebbero seguire le comunicazioni ufficiali.
Ciao. Graziano |
7 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
NationalDirector |
Posted - 31 Jul 2009 : 14:59:14 Questa è la comunicazione ufficiale relativa all'evento:
Sports kiting in the United Kingdom
STACK UK EuroCup09 Hosting application
Following the informal notification at the beginning of the year to all SIEC members, STACK UK are proud to announce they are now ready to make a formal application to host EuroCup 2009. As you might expect, the current financial climate has made it very difficult to obtain significant sponsorship for this event. This has resulted in the difficult decision to pass on all of the accomodation costs to the competitors. If further sponsorship is forthcoming between now and the event then these cost can be reduced.
Location and Dates
The event will take place on the beach at Weston-Super-Mare, in North Somerset, England; from the 18th to 20th September. As in previous years it is hoped to run the competitions on the Friday and Saturday, with a contingency / demonstration day on the Sunday. Weston has a huge beach with a very high tidal range and will allow us to have two full size arenas (one for ballet, one for precision) as well as plenty of space during the day for practice. The tides are high between 7am and 8am around these days, giving a beach free from water during the day. However, the tides are the highest of the year and as such it would be wise to expect the morning tide to leave a wet arena before 9:30am. The high tides will mean that the arena will need to be removed and re-setup each morning, so expect a later start than usual (perhaps 10am). Futher information on the tides will be provided after the next set of high tides when we will assess the beach first hand.
All fliers will be housed in hotels in the local area, in single or twin rooms. Couples can be accommodated in doubles if required. Every effort will be made to place persons with their chosen roommate. There is provision for competitors to bring companions for a small extra cost. We currently have a total of 80 bed spaces on hold at two large hotels, the rest will be found as total numbers become clear but will be in other hotels or guest houses. Accommodation is to be provided for Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 3 nights, and will be on a bed and breakfast basis. STACK UK will provide free accommodation for SIEC appointed event staff, quantity to be decided by mutual agreement of STACK UK and SIEC. Additional days will be available for those that want it at cost.
Weston-Super-Mare is on the train line from Bristol Temple Meads station, which is reachable from London. Bristol airport is only 20 miles away and has flights with RyanAir and EasyJet to Europe, as well as KLM to Amsterdam. STACK UK can arrange free transport from the airport and train stations. Due to the significant shortfall in funding it is not expected that STACK UK will be able provide any support for travel expenses for either competitors or staff.
All food from Friday morning until Sunday lunch will be provided. Breakfasts at the hotel, lunches will be provided on the beach, and evening meal for the Friday will be a buffet in one of the host hotels. The gala dinner on the Saturday night will be a buffet at a local top quality Greek restaurant.
It is understood that SIEC has trophies for the winning competitors but STACK UK will provide 1st , 2nd , and 3rd Sports kiting in the United Kingdom place engraved plates for the winners to keep for all disciplines. Also, every competitor will receive a commemorative T-shirt of the event.
The competition
It is expected that SIEC will organise and run the competition itself, with STACK UK acting as a facilitator. SIEC will define and appoint judges and field directors, the quantity to be agreed with STACK UK in advance; STACK UK expects one field director and up to 5 judges per arena, plus one scorekeeper, but this is negotiable. STACK UK will provide all logistical staff for the event and trained line judges.
Having checked the speed at which the tide goes out we believe it will be possible to start competitions by 10am, perhaps 10:30am at the latest. It is now understood from previous UK competitors that there are no trophies available from SIEC, STACK UK will rethink it's trophies budget to provide better first place trophies.
Ciao. Graziano |
pn |
Posted - 31 Jul 2009 : 13:23:36 P.S. C'è una delle gare della E.C. dove ho ancora qualche speranza di partecipare (non molte però!): http://www.stackuk.org/index.php?section=23
Paolo(Pn) VentoZero <http://www.ventozero.it> Le mie vittime: Apokalypsis, Galaxy D team, STX 2.3/1.8, Proton, Rev-Maiocchi più alcuni ascensionali |
pn |
Posted - 31 Jul 2009 : 13:15:13 Ciao!
qui dicono di aver già disputato il primo round della E.C.: http://www.demotix.com/news/stack-euro-cup-2009-round-1-weston-super-mare Si riferiranno forse alle selezioni per i piloti del Regno Unito, che sono state definite impropriamente Euro Cup? Patrizio ci puoi illuminare a proposito? Grazie!
Paolo(Pn) VentoZero <http://www.ventozero.it> Le mie vittime: Apokalypsis, Galaxy D team, STX 2.3/1.8, Proton, Rev-Maiocchi più alcuni ascensionali |
NationalDirector |
Posted - 26 Jun 2009 : 21:56:42 quote: Originally posted by claudio
cosa sono le wild card????
Sono degli 'inviti'...
Alla Eurocup partecipano di diritto i primi due piloti/pair/team di ogni rancking nazionale ed i campioni in carica. Il numero massimo per ogni disciplina/categoria è di 15 iscritti. Gli eventuali posti liberi vengono assegnati per mezzo delle suddette wild card ai migliori piloti (non qualificati di diritto) che ne fanno richiesta.
Ciao. Graziano |
claudio |
Posted - 26 Jun 2009 : 21:16:19 cosa sono le wild card????
ciao! "fryeurocup!!!!"
i miei acro: nirvana std-ul-ww-hw, wing 145 carbon tuned, galaxy dteam, opium std-ul. xmasque, virus, thorn back, 3d, p.i., 4cavi mavry / mandrillo ul edorevo, urban ninjia |
NationalDirector |
Posted - 26 Jun 2009 : 16:58:45 ... aspettiamo le comunicazioni ufficiali. Ma non credo ci sanno grossi problemi per chi volesse partecipare
Ciao. Graziano |
wertherfly |
Posted - 26 Jun 2009 : 13:17:17 Peccato perchè speravo in Freejus, qual'è la classifica definitiva che riguarda i candidati agli europei? e già che sarò tra quelli, le wild card ci saranno? come pair credo che saremo candidati come campioni uscenti dall'anno scorso, giusto? ciao Werther
nirvana ul,2 std,vtd,opera, transfer xtr, phoenix,dragoo,tip turn,venice, 3D,tiket,mai ben ul,std, 2 x mas 3ul,2 x mas 0 vtd, 2 rialto, rev mod. Maiocchi indoor,sul,ul,std,2vtd,4v,td,5+vtd,shortwave 175 e 240,rev cadet, 3rev 1, galaxy team, 2 miei rev indoor,papillon, malard,urban ninja,mandala,2 miei mono indoor,2 rokkaku,sverker,altri monofilo.alcuni di questi sono con * |