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 Lilith, Iridium and Howitzer in the world

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
CapitanInfrena Posted - 30 Aug 2013 : 09:47:57
Qui raccolgo tutte le foto mandatemi dai costruttori dei miei progetti free:

Kevin "KaoS" Sanders, Willung, Australia

Lilith .L (Ghost equivalent)

Iridium UL

Stephen SugarBaker, Seattle , Stati Uniti

Iridium UL

My Kites: .NSE (STD-AS-18g,LW-12g,WW-0g) by R-SKY
.Sixth Sense STD by Kite D.E.sign
.Invictus STD by Kite D.E.sign
.Revolution Maiocchi STUL Deep Sea Colors
.iTrix custom .93 (InD)
.Galaxy D Team (Nitro Reinforced) by Lumokites
.Over by Eolo
.Zeruko W144CT by Tribord
CapitanInfrena <<<)) KSfc ........The boldest tricks are the safest

.Iridium (STD,UL,SUL) by S.K.D.
.Howitzer (.N,.U,.S) S.K.D.
.Howitzer Sport Aerostuff (.N,.U,.S) S.K.D.
.Howitzer .88 (.88,.88S) S.K.D.
.Lilith (.N,.L) S.K.D.
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Had631 Posted - 17 Sep 2013 : 17:09:31
Che si prova a progettare un acro che vola in Australia, olanda, States ed italia? l'emozione che da un aquilone

- Prism jazz
- Eolo Over
CapitanInfrena Posted - 12 Sep 2013 : 00:19:19
Lilith .L by Krijn Hemminga, Paesi Bassi

My Kites: .NSE (STD-AS-18g,LW-12g,WW-0g) by R-SKY
.Sixth Sense STD by Kite D.E.sign
.Invictus STD by Kite D.E.sign
.Revolution Maiocchi STUL Deep Sea Colors
.iTrix custom .93 (InD)
.Galaxy D Team (Nitro Reinforced) by Lumokites
.Over by Eolo
.Zeruko W144CT by Tribord
CapitanInfrena <<<)) KSfc ........The boldest tricks are the safest

.Iridium (STD,UL,SUL) by S.K.D.
.Howitzer (.N,.U,.S) S.K.D.
.Howitzer Sport Aerostuff (.N,.U,.S) S.K.D.
.Howitzer .88 (.88,.88S) S.K.D.
.Lilith (.N,.L) S.K.D.
CapitanInfrena Posted - 02 Sep 2013 : 14:21:57
Howitzer Nitro Basic STD by Lorenzo

My Kites: .NSE (STD-AS-18g,LW-12g,WW-0g) by R-SKY
.Sixth Sense STD by Kite D.E.sign
.Invictus STD by Kite D.E.sign
.Revolution Maiocchi STUL Deep Sea Colors
.iTrix custom .93 (InD)
.Galaxy D Team (Nitro Reinforced) by Lumokites
.Over by Eolo
.Zeruko W144CT by Tribord
CapitanInfrena <<<)) KSfc ........The boldest tricks are the safest

.Iridium (STD,UL,SUL) by S.K.D.
.Howitzer (.N,.U,.S) S.K.D.
.Howitzer Sport Aerostuff (.N,.U,.S) S.K.D.
.Howitzer .88 (.88,.88S) S.K.D.
.Lilith (.N,.L) S.K.D.
CapitanInfrena Posted - 01 Sep 2013 : 13:53:01
Vi sono anche un paio di iridium da Marioe uno da alberto :-)

My Kites: .NSE (STD-AS-18g,LW-12g,WW-0g) by R-SKY
.Sixth Sense STD by Kite D.E.sign
.Invictus STD by Kite D.E.sign
.Revolution Maiocchi STUL Deep Sea Colors
.iTrix custom .93 (InD)
.Galaxy D Team (Nitro Reinforced) by Lumokites
.Over by Eolo
.Zeruko W144CT by Tribord
CapitanInfrena <<<)) KSfc ........The boldest tricks are the safest

.Iridium (STD,UL,SUL) by S.K.D.
.Howitzer (.N,.U,.S) S.K.D.
.Howitzer Sport Aerostuff (.N,.U,.S) S.K.D.
.Howitzer .88 (.88,.88S) S.K.D.
.Lilith (.N,.L) S.K.D.
Alex69 Posted - 01 Sep 2013 : 11:35:37
Ecco Il Mio


My Kites:
K2 STD/UL/SUL - Qenet.x - Intro - Howitzer .88 (SKD) - Invictus UL (KDE)
- Skymax814 VTD - Urban ninja
CapitanInfrena Posted - 30 Aug 2013 : 17:35:22
Ecco l'howitzer di massimo (mancano ancora dario e alessandro)

Massimo Verzi ExSocio, Milano

My Kites: .NSE (STD-AS-18g,LW-12g,WW-0g) by R-SKY
.Sixth Sense STD by Kite D.E.sign
.Invictus STD by Kite D.E.sign
.Revolution Maiocchi STUL Deep Sea Colors
.iTrix custom .93 (InD)
.Galaxy D Team (Nitro Reinforced) by Lumokites
.Over by Eolo
.Zeruko W144CT by Tribord
CapitanInfrena <<<)) KSfc ........The boldest tricks are the safest

.Iridium (STD,UL,SUL) by S.K.D.
.Howitzer (.N,.U,.S) S.K.D.
.Howitzer Sport Aerostuff (.N,.U,.S) S.K.D.
.Howitzer .88 (.88,.88S) S.K.D.
.Lilith (.N,.L) S.K.D.
tullo Posted - 30 Aug 2013 : 14:08:55
molto bello l'Iridium UL viola

I miei aquiloni:
Diamond Kites Veyron UL/STD
Kitehouse Sharp SUL/STD Kitehouse Sin STD
Kitehouse DROP family team
Indoor: Benson Innerspace, Kitehouse Sphere, DrachenKiste Itrix & Sweety

CapitanInfrena Posted - 30 Aug 2013 : 09:52:18
Lorenzo, Christian, Dario, Massimo e Alessandro. Mandatemi le foto dei vostri Howitzer!

My Kites: .NSE (STD-AS-18g,LW-12g,WW-0g) by R-SKY
.Sixth Sense STD by Kite D.E.sign
.Invictus STD by Kite D.E.sign
.Revolution Maiocchi STUL Deep Sea Colors
.iTrix custom .93 (InD)
.Galaxy D Team (Nitro Reinforced) by Lumokites
.Over by Eolo
.Zeruko W144CT by Tribord
CapitanInfrena <<<)) KSfc ........The boldest tricks are the safest

.Iridium (STD,UL,SUL) by S.K.D.
.Howitzer (.N,.U,.S) S.K.D.
.Howitzer Sport Aerostuff (.N,.U,.S) S.K.D.
.Howitzer .88 (.88,.88S) S.K.D.
.Lilith (.N,.L) S.K.D.

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